I’ve been transferred from older retiring doctors to young doctors so many times. After I moved to the DC area, I needed a new eye doctor and asked for a recommendation from my longtime doctor in Oklahoma who had known me for almost 30 years. He recommended a former classmate who had a great reputation. After a few years, and my first bout of optic neuritis, this optometrist welcomed a younger doctor to the practice to whom he eventually sold the practice. The transition went smoothly enough but every once in a while I contemplate how I have more years under my belt as an eye patient (since the age of four) than my new eye doctor has been alive.
A similar situation occurred when my dentist, partially chosen because he was also a trombone player and understood the unique needs of a performing musician, brought on a new partner who eventually took over the practice.
I guess that’s just part of growing older, as there are more and more people younger than you.
Read this post in its entirety:
When Your Doctor Retires
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