These awards are unique in that they include the Best Patient Blogs as an honored category. "Brass and Ivory: Life with MS" is on this list of distinguished social media participants and needs your vote to be included in the finals.
Please go to Dose of Digital's blog and place your votes for some of the coolest MS-related social media initiatives and communities there are on the web. You will find familiar websites such as HowIFightMS, ThisIsMS, HealthCentral, ChronicBabe, WeKeepMoving, IWalkBecause, PatientsLikeMe, and more.
Don't be overwhelmed by the large volume of entries (over 700), but look for websites/Facebook pages which are familiar. And if you are reading this than "Brass and Ivory: Life with MS" should certainly be familiar.
Thanks for your VOTE in this preliminary round!
What does the winner get?
i voted!!