Monday, February 28, 2011

Are your eyes (pupils) different sizes?

Shortly after I began my doctoral studies, I started experiencing problems with my vision which were accompanied by unusual headaches. Having been in a car accident which caused whiplash, I was seeing a chiropractor. However, when my headaches didn’t improve, I visited the campus Eye Clinic (part of the School of Optometry) for evaluation.

For my entire life up to this point, I had only visited one eye clinic for all my care. I had been a patient in the same doctor’s office since I was 4 years old. This was my first time to be examined by anybody I didn’t know. Very interesting to have both students and professionals examine my eyes. I was quite the guinea pig in the campus Eye Clinic.

One thing which concerned the doctors was that my pupils were of different sizes. They wanted to know if my pupils had always been that way. I wasn’t really even aware of the issue, having not noticed the difference in my own reflexion. Since I couldn’t answer the question, they wanted to see photos of me from various years to see if my pupils had always appeared to be different sizes.

Read this post in its entirety:

MS Signs vs. Symptoms: What is Anisocoria?


  1. This had me thinking. Yes my pupils are different sizes and this varies. I have an afferent pupil blah blah too. There is a way for the neuro doctor or optho dr. to test for this. I have a scar on my optic nerve after having had optic neuritis. The signal takes longer on one side to get to my brain. We do not "see" with our eyes, we see with our brain. As far as pupils: Many a new nurse on neuro floor would come up to me to ask about unequal pupils. Just like me they had to learn that it is a finding but not the only finding. Sometimes means something, sometimes not. Always look at the patient. You must look farther than pupil size/reactivity. Good post.

  2. They wanted to see photos of me from various years to see if my pupils had always appeared to be different sizes.
