Sunday, March 28, 2010

Nonsense Updates

I really should write a real post, but instead I'm just going to give some brief updates because I've.....
  • just completed writing five articles for HealthCentral (mostly research intensive!) and I'm out of unique ideas for the moment.
  • learned much more than I ever planned about the various biologic medications prescribed for moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis.
  • weighed myself this morning and discovered that I'm officially 18.7 pounds lighter than I was on January 3, 2010. (this is 30 lbs less than in Feb 2009.)
  • started to feel incremental changes in how clothes fit. Watch for a rant about non-fitting (once-fitting) expensive bras sometime in the next month or so.
  • decided I need to take a nap, or go play some online poker on Facebook.
  • got to stop grinding my teeth, which happens when I read and research too much on the computer.
  • got some little kitties who are either hungry or simply want some attention.
Talk to you all later!!


  1. Congrats on the 30# loss in a year. It's what I need to do. I'd be content with 30# gone.

  2. Congratulations, Lisa! And thanks for sharing this type of blog. It gets tough to write a full post with life being so busy :-)

  3. Five articles - yikes my fingers would be well wore out LOL

    Awesome on the #30! As Webster says I am a "thin mint" i have the opposite problem - I need to gain weight *sigh*

    Glad you took the time to get in a blog post!


  4. Lisa, as much as I appreciate all the work you do, thanks for occasionally writing the kind of post that doesn't leave the rest of us feeling lazy and inadequate!

  5. WOOT!!! And I spied you in some poker games--FUN! (THX for the chips)

  6. Thanks so much folks!!

    Sometimes I want to say something and I don't have much to say other than I'm still here.

    Glad that my nonsense is appreciated. :)

    Hmmmm, did somebody say something about Thin Mints?

  7. Hey Diane, I spied you too! I did send some chips while we were at the table together, but the game sent double what I intended. Whoops.

    Put them to good use, as I can see you are!

    The 'mystery gifts' of chips I have no control over, but to click the button to send them on to friends. It's fun though.
