Sunday, August 2, 2009

Happy Friendship Day and Blog Awards

" Anybody can sympathize with the sufferings of a friend, but it requires a very fine nature to sympathize with a friend's success. "
- Oscar Wilde

Diane brought it to my attention that today is Friendship Day. Thanks, Diane. In honor of it, I'd like to share some awards with my bloggery friends.

Tara from Living Day to Day with MS gave me the Golden Heart Award. I'd like to pass it onto

Herrad of Access-Denied, who is an outstanding blogger, gave me the Outstanding Bloggery Award. I'm passing this one onto
Jen at MS Strength (yes, I know you dislike awards. Sorry sweetie, this one's for you.

Tracey of Living Life with Sarcasm, Kids, and MS gave me the Team Short Bus. I'm sharing it with

The Lemonaid Stand Award was given to me by Tricia at Middle Age Mania. I'm passing it onto

Erin from The Lemon-Aid Stand gave me the Inspirational Blogger Award. I'm giving it to

I had to leave bloggers for YOU to give these awards to. So pass them on at your convenience.


  1. Thanks Lisa. Happy Friendship day to you as well. It's my best friend's birthday today, how fitting.

  2. Thanks, Lisa. I will try to contain my chagrin (LOL- just joshing.)

    If I EVER gave out an award (hypothetically 'cause it won't really happen), it would be one for making me come back again and again and AGAIN. Maybe a CRACK BLOG AWARD. My ADD-riddled mind STILL stalks the following sites:

    Brass and Ivory
    A Short in the Cord
    A Stellarlife
    Living! with MS
    Blindbeard's MS Blog

    That's all I can HANDLE any more. Thanks, freaks, for keeping me glued to your blogs.

    Now freaked---


  3. Thanks for the award Lisa. I feel like I fell overboard on my cruise. Having a real hard time playing catch up with life.

  4. These awards are embarrassing me. I ain't all that. But, thank you Lisa. And Jen, BEST award EVER!! Now, I feel comfortable accepting a freak award from a freak.hahahaha You know I think ALLLL MS bloggers and people living with MS and other chronic illness deserve awards just for LIVING each day! We all are special, beautiful people.

  5. Diane---

    I completely agree :)

  6. I fail at blogging lately. I can't wait for life ti calm down. Thanks though. :)

  7. Hi Lisa -

    BR and I appreciate your tip of the hat. It means a lot coming from someone with your reputation for informed opinions.
