Monday, May 11, 2009

Following Blogs

Just a quick note to say that I'm still recovering from the weekend's activities. The recital went splendidly and I enjoyed viewing Star Trek at the IMAX theatre on Saturday. Pretty cool stuff.

Also I wanted to let everybody know that I've made a decision to make a change in my method of "following blogs." (No, Jen, this has nothing to do with your recent post.) I've been thinking about this for a while.

It is my suspicion that some folks "follow" blogs just to see their photo in the little box of followers. Of course, it's nice to see who follows a particular blog and I've discovered new bloggers by looking at this feature. But, I've decided to change to all anonymous following.

This will help to clean up my profile a bit. So if my little photo disappears from your sidebar, please know that I'm still reading. This is just a personal decision I've made.

Be well everybody.


  1. Wow! Once again, I disappear for a few days (OK, maybe a bit over a week, but who's counting?!?), and I uncover a wealth of information over here!!!

    So glad to hear your recital went off without a hitch...but I have to say, the musical piece YOU performed? What a mouthful!!! I can only IMAGINE the difficulty in playing it...LOL

    Be well, my friend.

  2. Lisa - you were one of the first (if not the first) person to follow my blog. It gave me a little thrill to realize someone was interested enough in my content to follow it! So, thanks for that.

    I appreciate that you put up this post so people would understand why your image disappeared from the list of followers.

    Feel free to stop by anytime, the old fashioned way. :-)

  3. Thank you Lisa for letting us know. I thought at first I might have done something wrong when I no longer saw you as a follower. You are wonderful and I love your site, thank you for all you do!

  4. Thanks for the tip. I've "followed" suit (a little poker humor?)..."Following" makes it easier to, well, FOLLOW....But I can still get the posts in Google Reader anonymously without having to join everyone's cult.....LOL

    Hi kook......!

  5. Hi Lisa,

    What a shame you are now anonymous as there is too much anonimity.

    Following is not a cult thing but a supportive thing certainly that is how I see it.

    I was very happy with your support and with Jen's and am sad that you have both gone now.

    I too thought what have I done to lose two supporters.

    Take care.

    ps I shall miss you being visibly present, liked the painting and the tulips.

  6. Cranky and Casey, I'm so glad that you saw this and didn't worry. I'm still following and reading, just not showing up in the little box.

    Jen, poker humor is fun. We need to be on at the same time sometime and play together.

    Herrad, just for you my love, I will reinstate my photo. I am still very supportive and still reading!!!!

  7. Thanks for keeping us up to date. I wondered how you can keep up your busy schedule AND follow all our blogs. With more coming on every day.You do great work and your new RA info is welcome too. I guess knowing we have an audience helps to motivate more writing. With MS, I have found better expression/emotional outlet through writing and reading your blog and those who follow your blog.

  8. Don't worry, Herrad. Still reading and will pop in with a comment from time to time. I get agorophobia thinking "followers'" eyes are on me. Freakish. But I still have my "freak" eye on you, so don't worry...


  9. Hi Lisa! i am glad to hear that everything went good this weekend that has to be a relief. I am sorry to hear that you are going to be anonymous but I understand. I look forward to seeing your comments popping up here and there.

  10. I'm glad you posted this as I noticed you were gone and assumed it was because I rarely mention my ms these days. Too much drama in other areas of my life :)

    I'd just taken the MyBlogLog widget off my site because I was debating what information it provided to anyone but me. I like knowing folks are reading, but does the world need to know I hang with the cool crowd?

  11. I think all the comments said it, I like reading all the blogs I can and following helps me not to forget them. Thanks for all you do.

  12. Wow, I never realized that this would be noticed by so many folks. So now I'm going to alter my idea somewhat. Thank you all for being such supportive ladies. Yes, I have to admit that it does provide a bit of a thrill to know that people are reading. :)

  13. Hi Lisa,

    It gives support which is vital .
    Stimulates empathy.
    Encourages communication.
    And circulates good feelings.



  14. Excellent topic. In the five years I have been journaling TOO many good bloggers and necessary information for caregivers have faded away because of the beauty contests of comments and followers.

    Caregivingly Yours, Patrick
