Tuesday, January 20, 2009

First Moments of a Presidency

Awesome!!! What an amazing way to spend the first moments of a new era.

President Barack Obama shares Simple Gifts with the country.

Music first. Swearing in second.


  1. How awesome was that?! I thought I had died and gone to heaven. First, Aretha Franklin, one of my favorite artists of all time and then that unbelievably fabulous quartet with an arrangement by the incredible John Williams. That is my idea of heaven. Except I get to sing in the choir! ;)

    Peace and blessings,

  2. Today is a good day! I TIVO'd the ceremony as I could not watch it all because I was getting way to emotional and balling like a baby. LOL

    It's just begun and I really home he becomes a 2 term president! :)

  3. I was beyond impressed that the string players handled the cold so effortlessly.

    Caregivingly Yours, Patrick
