Monday, December 29, 2008

Carnival of MS Bloggers - Submissions, Please

New Year, New Resolutions, New Hopes and Dreams

The next Carnival of MS Bloggers is planned for New Year's Day, 2009.

Please submit your posts via email. or you will force me
to 'swipe' and feature unsuspecting MS bloggers.

Look forward to seeing what you share.

Thank you.


  1. Lisa--

    Feel free to swipe from my blog, if it comes down to that. But make sure you include the Andy Rooney picture, because it sets the tone--LOL!



  2. Lisa, if ever I have anything interesting to say about MS, feel free to swipe it. I'm not worried because it's not likely to ever happen! Be well, Webs

  3. I Ditto Jen and Webster post. I been away for awhile, hopefully I can get back on track with my blogging.

    Happy New Year!
