Monday, November 17, 2008

More New MS Blogs!!

Please welcome Rae and Adriana to our MS blogging family.  Linda, I think we need a larger short bus.

In It For The Parking

Meet Rae.  She has MS and a seizure disorder.  Rae says, "I don’t let anything get me down for long, because I’ve learned that every moment is filled with possibilities for happiness and sadness, worry and excitement, and I choose to have a GREAT life."

Adriana's Home

Adriana lives in Israel.  This is her weight loss journal in which she discusses other aspects of her life, including living with multiple sclerosis.



  1. Sigh...I'll call the *school* and see if we can get something greyhound-sized. But do we REALLY want to encourage more RIDERS?!? (Not bloggers, MS riders?) Lack of seating might just be the metaphoric research we've been looking for!

    Linda D. in Seattle

  2. I'm glad you post links to other blogs. It's always nice to add to the fold.
